Fiction Writing and Other Oddities

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The meaning behind Chiczofrenia?

I am pleased to host Dr. Laina Turner, author of "Chiczofrenia, Crazy is an Art Form", today. Thank you so much for joining us!

As I have stated in my book, Chiczofrenia is a play on words. I have grown to love the term and feel empowered when I use it. Why? Because we all have a little crazy in us and that’s not a bad thing. It may manifest in many different ways and may not be readily apparent to others but we know deep inside what it is. I feel now, though I haven’t always, that this aspect of me is what makes me…well…me.

I firmly believe we can have it all. A great relationship, marriage, be a great friend, a great mom, keep a good house (if that’s important to you, it’s not one of my top five), be a career woman, follow our dreams, work out, eat right, and many other things. However, somewhere while trying to accomplish all this, we can tend to go a little nuts. Some more than others, and some longer than others. I used to think I was normal. HA! What a reality check I’ve had. Normal is relative. I’m sure Howard Hughes and Andy Warhol thought they were normal.

Know it’s ok to feel overwhelmed with all you have to do to have it all. Life isn’t easy. However, we all deserve to have what we want. Women seem to have the knack of how to manage it all and not go too crazy. Women seem to always take on more and more…and we’re successful at it.

Being a woman is difficult and a constant evolution of self-discovery. It’s not an easy journey and through the process you realize every woman has her own issues, her own brand of crazy, which is my favorite kind of normal. Crazy is fine. Embrace it.

I want women to embrace what it is they truly want - without caring what anyone thinks. Learn to laugh at your own craziness and be cool at the same time. Be the strong individuals we all want to be while looking like a million bucks.

Chiczofrenia – crazy is an art form – released January 2011.

Chiczofrenic is the term for the woman who is purposeful and intentional in how crazy her life may be. The goal with this book is to recognize many women drive themselves crazy, intentionally, by trying to be all they can. I firmly believe we can have it all. A great relationship, being a great mom, keeping a good house (if that’s important to you), being a career woman, following your dreams, working out, eating right, and many more. Women seem to have the knack for how to manage it all and not go crazy. Women seem to always take on more and more…and are successful at it.

Women have tried forever to pretend they fit in the norm even when the norm wasn’t what they wanted. I want women to embrace that more - without caring what anyone thinks. Learn to laugh at your own craziness and be cool at the same time. Be the strong individual you want to be while looking like a million bucks.

Being a woman is difficult and is a constant evolution and journey of self discovery. It’s not always an easy journey and through the process you realize everyone has her own issues. Her own brand of crazy, which is my own kind of normal. Crazy but embracing it.

ISBN: 978-0-578-07034-6Book: $14.95 Available on $9.95 Available on Kindle and Smashwords

Excerpt from Chiczofrenia, Crazy is an Art Form

Who the hell am I?

I really had no idea who I was for a long time. Do you? I used to think I had somewhat of an idea. Ok, you caught me. I really thought I knew. I thought from a very early age I was destined to be a ball busting businesswomen superbitch. I probably read too many Jackie Collins books where there were beautiful, strong kick-ass women. Does that make me sound bad? It probably should. The entire time I was thinking it, living it, it sounded just dandy to me. I mean who wouldn’t want to be a ball busting superbitch? (Now all I needed was a cape!)

It took me a long time to realize that being a ball busting superbitch wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Then it took me even longer to figure out what it is I wanted to be, and I’m still not sure. What I did figure out is that what I was doing what I thought was expected of me. It was this other persona, an alter ego if you will. How the hell did I ever conjure up this “person” I thought I was supposed to be, to portray? I have absolutely no idea.

I just know that I started down the ball busting superbitch path and kept going like the energizer bunny and never once stopped to think about what I was doing and if it was what I wanted or what made me happy. Until that one day I woke up and thought WTF? Why am I doing this? How did I get to this place where I was doing so much for so many others, trying to live up to their expectations, and in the midst of it all forgetting who I was?


Wendi Zwaduk and Megan Slayer said...

Well, it's good to see we're all a little crazy. 'Splains a lot. Thanks for the excerpt. Looks like an interesting read.

Anonymous said...

OH, I hear you!
Being a wife/mother/house tech is like a working woman's Triad of Chaos - some days it's a struggle to make order out of chaos and sometimes chaos IS the order.

I was talking to a woman who I've not spoken to in years just yesterday. She called me from out of the blue. I didn't realize that she was now 81Yrs old and she admitted that when she was younger, she was a bitch. Controlling, independant, a real go getter. Age has taught her that you can't be a royal B - because someday you're going to need help. Need friends. Need someone to load your car or shovel your driveway so an ambulance can reach you.

Don't even ask me how we got on the subject after not speaking for nine years, LOL - but it was a fascinating conversation. She tried doing it all - but alone. She thought she had what she needed with a take charge attitude, but it was pushing people away.

She told me she's mellowed with age and she's happier. So, it made me wonder - I guess we can have it all, but what makes the difference is how or what we do to get there. Will it be worth it?

Your post is very timely, as is your book. Good luck with it and I hope we do eventually get what we want and if we do it right, getting there is half the fun. And when we go a little crazy, it'll be in a good way. Crazy can be fun too.

Have a great day!!!
Xeranthemum Reviewer

Stephanie Suesan Smith, Ph.D. said...

Women need to remember that the norms were written by men who can't find matching socks in a clothes hamper.

Stephanie Suesan Smith, Ph.D.

Laina Molaski said...

Interesting how we all get it but it can take a while to actually get there

That's what inspired me to write the book. I hoped I could help more people "get" it easier than I did.